Geomancy is said to be the "Mother of Astrology". While I don't know if I completely agree with this statement, I do know that these two methods go hand in hand. In order to understand a Geomantic reading fully, one must understand the effects of the planets and the signs in any matter. The astrological houses have the same meaning as the Geomantic houses and the planets in each house can be likened to the signs in geomancy appearing in different geomantic houses. The main thing that sets the two apart is that in astrology there is a natural progression of the planets while in Geomancy each planet can appear many times in a reading and can jump from house to house depending on the question. One can conclude that while Geomancy covers specific matters in life, Astrology covers more general and larger life questions. Your astrological chart can tell you what you're best predisposed to follow as a life course and what needs correction or reinforcement.
To receive an astrological report, send your birthday and time as well as birth place.
The report you will receive is based on what is referred to as "sidereal" astrology.
This may differ from other reports you may have received in the past due to the difference in the placement of signs. 1,800 years ago, the signs were assigned to their current heavenly positions by Ptolemy. Since that time, the stars have shifted 30 degrees from our vantage point, yet tropical astrology fails to factor in this important variable. Thus, if you have received a horoscope or natal astrological report and it has seemed somewhat inaccurate, it is probably because of this important difference. The report you will receive from Canada Geomancy will be based on this sidereal system as are the reports given by Hindu or Vedic astrologers.
Each report is $30 or is included free with an hour consultation.
Call 647-270-9837 or email if I am not available by phone.